Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Summer Group Show

Fenton & Fenton are hosting an exhibition titled Summer Group Show, which brings together the work of four Australian artists, including myself. I have six new pieces in the exhibition. Please check it out online or pop into the gallery.

Fenton & Fenton
471 High Street,
Prahran VIC 3181

November 12 – 26
Opening Night November 12, 6 – 8pm

Friday, 21 August 2015

New work

No more moon
100cm x 120cm
Acrylic on canvas

75cm x 100cm
Acrylic on canvas
75cm x 100cm
Acrylic on canvas
56cm x 66cm
Acrylic on canvas

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A little interview

I was recently interviewed by the lovely folk at Honeycombers about my art practice and settling into life in Singapore. Thank you for the kind words and beautiful images...

Monday, 6 April 2015


"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. ” - Pablo Picasso

Smashing up
61cm x 91cm
Acrylic on canvas

Broken off
61cm x 91cm
Acrylic on canvas

Monday, 30 March 2015

Colour exploration

I'm most definitely not a photographer, but I am undeniably a visual person. I ask people to spell their names (if they're complicated... which, in Singapore they often are), because I need to 'see' the letter-forms in order to pronounce it properly. I learn through watching others. It can be frustrating if you're trying to teach me anything. If you just explain it, I won't get it. But, show me – just once, I can do it. So, to make sense of this city I'm now living in I take photos of the things that catch my eye and then when I'm struggling with a particular painting, the colours, the forms... I turn to my images.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Fundraising pieces

I have two beautiful little nieces whom I don't see enough. But I love with all my heart. I'm sure they will both be artists of some description when they grow up... perhaps musicians or dancers, or maybe even painters. They are intuitive, creative and sensitive. Every year, their primary school holds a fundraising art exhibition and this year I will show two works. What an honor, to know that the sale of my paintings will have a direct impact on their education.
Below: studio shot of said works-in-progress and a detail shot.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Two small works

Snow Slide
45cm x 35cm
Acrylic on canvas
Melt Ponds
45cm x 35cm
Acrylic on canvas

Friday, 27 February 2015

Works on paper – Emerge Exhibition 2014

These works on paper were made over a 12 month period in response to the limitations created by certain events. Allowed only short bursts of time, restricted resources and constrained space, I conducted an extensive inquiry into my own art-making process. The result was a series of deconstructed paintings on paper using watercolour and ink, drawings with oil pastel and cut and pasted found paper. Some shown below.

Untitled 09
56cm x 76cm
Mixed media on paper

Untitled 05
29.5cm x 29.5cm
Mixed media on paper

Untitled 03
29.5cm x 29.5cm
Mixed media on paper

Untitled 10
56cm x 76cm
Mixed media on paper

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Previous work – The Design Files Open House 2013

It begins here / It has always been so
61cm x 76cm
Acrylic on canvas
The gloom is gone / Spring
61cm x 76cm
Acrylic on canvas
No one will remember / You will never forget
61cm x 76cm
Acrylic on canvas

Monday, 23 February 2015

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


It's time to start documenting my work online. With the absence of a proper website, I need somewhere to show new works, works-in-progress, experiments and news of my painting practice. So, here are a few recently completed pieces...